Last year , I shared my journey to finding and creating aĀ ROUTINEĀ that worked well for me in this season of life.Ā 


Today I want to expand on that a little more and share with you someĀ tips and toolsĀ that have helped me get back into a more structured routine.

When thinking through your schedule and creating a plan there are 4 things that I had to think about and work through to get to the routine that I currently use now.

1). Re-Evaluate Your Current Plan

I had purchased long time ago aĀ  cleaning checklist , just wasnā€™t working for me. I wanted it to because I paid for it, and I stuck with it way to long.Ā 

The simple truth is it was causing me more harm than good. It was making me feel overwhelmed and like a failure. Iā€™m sure if you talked with the author of that particular cleaning checklist, thatā€™s probably the last thing she would want me to feel too!

There were things I really liked about the current system, so I made a note to continue to incorporate those into my new routine. The things that just didnā€™t work for me, like assigning chores to specific days of the week, I threw out.

To be able to stick with a routine, it has to work for YOU !

2). Examine Your Priorities

Iā€™ve shared before about my mission statementĀ  ā€œRoutinesā€ and why I think itā€™s so important to have one. Developing a mission statement really helps to determine what your priorities are: the people, the things, the relationships that are most important to you. You want to remember those priorities when setting up a daily routine.

Ā If it was up to me the house would learn to clean itself! But as much as I wish for that, it isnā€™t going to happen. Someone has to clean it, and currently that someone is me.

3). Make a Plan

we can

There are hundreds of free, printable cleaning checklists available on-line. Just Google them!! There are also many that you can purchase as well. I have found so many that are great, but I never found one that met all of my needs. So I decided to create my own.

My personal daily docket, as I like to call it, helps me to stay organized and focused throughout the day. Iā€™m a pen and paper gal, so I like to cross off things on my list.

In creating my daily docket I thought about my daily routine that I shared HERE& HERE Ā ā€¦Ā I included a checklist that I could cross off as I completed them. I also created room for a to-do LISTĀ , specific daily chores (like dusting, clean bathrooms, etc.), and a separate to-do list for work related items (for me that includes working on this blog).

One of the best pieces of advice came from my dear friend Vicki , She explains that once you created your to-do lists, identify 3 most important tasks that need to get done that day. They can be from either to-do lists. I have included a special section at the top of my daily docket for those 3 specific tasks. If they get done, then everything else seems more manageable.

I also included places to remind me to take care of myself both spiritually and physically. I included spots for night timeĀ  reading and self timeĀ  reminders.Ā  I have a long book list and I make reading a priority in my day, so I jot down the title of the book and a reading goal, like read 20 pages.

Lastly at the bottom I have included a spot to write out any exercise plans I have for the day and a place to record my water intake. Once I started recording how much water I drank through the day, I realized that I wasnā€™t drinking as much water as I though I was!

I have made my daily docket available for you to print for free if you need a place to start.Ā 

4). Allow Room for Margin


Lastly, itā€™s important to leave room for margin because life happens. Some days I am super productive and my familyĀ  are very cooperative. Other days, not so much. Most days we are just at home, so I can get most of my chores done. But there are other days when we have errands to run, or we go to the park or another special outing.

So be realistic. Thatā€™s why I only included room for small tasks on my daily to-do list. Iā€™m trying to teach myself that just because these are small lines, that doesnā€™t mean that I have to fill them all up!

What does your morning routine look like?


Smart Ways to Declutter and Stress Less!


Overwhelmed by stuff? Cut down your clutter with these easy tips, designed to help you streamline your storage, get organized, and de-stress!

The Junk Drawer


Did you know that it’s actually smart to have a junk drawer? It serves as a catchall for all those little odds and ends you know you’ll need at some point. But junk doesn’t have to mean chaos. Watch and learn how to keep your junk drawer organized.

Declutter on a Dime


Shop dollar stores for storage bins and baskets, then buy a bunch in the same color. Displayed in multiples, inexpensive plastic or cloth bins look calm and organized — and they offer tons of storage space.


kids chores

Lots of bins may be counterintuitive to the process of decluttering, but in some cases, the more the better. For example, in kids’ rooms, having several smaller bins designated for specific types of toys makes it easy for kids to find that one toy more quickly, as opposed to dumping a large container of miscellaneous toys on the elusive hunt.

Sheet Sorting


Sort sheets for each bedroom into designated bins. That way, finding the right linens for a specific room is a snap. Place a coated metal pan rack inside the bin to separate sets to make it easy to grab all the pieces when it’s time to change the sheets.

Extra Storage Space

On a white tiled kitchen wall hangs a silver colored magnetic board with stainless cointainers with clear lids on it__20152_idsm01a_01_thumb_PH122242

Use the backs of doors and cupboards for bonus storage space. Shallow shelves, hooks, and over-the-door organizers make convenient spots for items that are chronically homeless.

Kitchen Zones


Create zones for kitchen tasks you do on a regular basis, such as making lunches or baking. Designate a shelf for everything you need for the job, including nonperishable foods and special tools or utensils.

An Orderly Nightstand

Designate your nightstand as a clutter-free zone that’s a pleasure to wake up to. Limit yourself to a reasonable number of books. Set out a tray to hold change and jewelry. Park a basket below for blankets or magazines.

Clever Solutions


You can still have prime storage in a basic closet. Watch and learn the secrets for stand-out storage in a standard closet.

Three Questions

“Fluctuating waistlines, happy memories, and sentimentality keep us holding on to items longer than we should. Simple solution: Place a large cloth bag on the floor of your closet. Each day, ask yourself three questions about one piece of clothing: (1) Is it flattering? (2) Do I love it? (3) Does it represent who I am today?.” If the answer is no to any one, put the item in the bag to be donated.

Declutter and Donate

we can

Keep a donation hamper in your closet. Every two weeks, select an item of clothing you haven’t worn in the past six months and throw it in. When the hamper is full, take it to a local charitable organization.


10 Morning Habits to Jump Start a Better Day


Morning routines is somethingĀ  that IĀ  oftenĀ fantasizeĀ about. You know, that mythical, magicalĀ hour or soĀ where I mightĀ  have all the time I want to work out, meditate, eat a healthy breakfast and enjoy a few moments of creative bliss. But can that actually happen in real Life ??Iā€™veĀ  gathered up tips from the productivity pros to help me make it a reality. SO i thought of sharing it with you guys aswell !!

Get ready for your mornings to be both productive and relaxing. And remember, research has proven that it only takes 21 days to establish a habit. Let the countdown beginā€¦

1. Get up an Hour Earlier:Ā 

This first one is going to hurt. But having an extra hour in the morning could make all the difference when you are establishing morning habits.Ā 

Research has shown that early risers are more optimistic and are better at solving problems that come up during the day.

2. Do Something Active:Ā 

Donā€™t even let yourself make it a debate. When exercise becomes a habit, you just do it, because thatā€™s what you do.Ā 

Whether itā€™s 15 minutes of stretching and yoga or an intense cardio session at the gym, I just meditate and trust meĀ  youā€™ll be amazed at how much better you feel once you get your workout done first thing in the morning.

3. Take a Moment to Visualize Your Day: Before youā€™ve even been up long enough to start feeling overwhelmed, take some time to map out your day and write out all your to-dosĀ and top three goals. The more prepared you are for your day, the moreĀ productive youā€™ll be.

4. Listen to Some Good Music or an Audio Book: Do you wish you had more time toĀ tackleĀ that big reading list? Try listening to an audio book while youā€™re getting ready in the morning. Youā€™ll be amazed at how fast you get through a book, even if it is only in 15-minute increments. Waking up to music is also a great way to prepare for the type of day you want to have, whether you need some fun beats to get you excited for a busyĀ day, or something a little more soothing forĀ a more mellowĀ day.

5. Tidy up Some Clutter: You know those things that would only take you five minutes to finish but you just keep postponing? Take just a couple minutes to make the bed, clean up your desk, put away the laundryĀ or tackle any little tasks that will nag at you and keep you from focusing on the real goals of the day.

6. Drink a Glass of Lemon Water: All youā€™ve got to do is squeeze a fewĀ drops of lemon into some waterĀ to get your day off to the right start. It will only take a couple minutes and itĀ helps boost your metabolism and jumpstart your digestive system.

7. Take Your Vitamins: Just do it. Put them out the night before if you keep forgetting, but just make it a habit already.

8. Say Something Encouraging: If you have kids, take a minute to tell them how special they are. Or send a text to a loved one with some words of encouragement. It doesnā€™t have to be anything big, but youā€™ll feel better after connecting with them. When you cheer someone up, you make yourself happier too. Talk about a win-win.

9. Meditate for Five Minutes: Why is the thought of doing ā€œnothingā€ so intimidating? Just start with a few minutes of mindfulness and see how it makes you feel. Meditation has been proven to have numerous benefits, including less stress, more focus and increased creativity, so it seems worth a shot, right?

10. Give Yourself 15 Minutes of No Screen Time: If your alarmĀ is your phone, resist the urge to check your email as soon as you open your eyes. It sets you up for stress when you should be spending your extra hour of morning time focusing on you.

Do you have a regular morning routine? Tell me how you stick to your habits in the comments below!