Every site, magazine, blog is teaming with incredibly beautiful images of flowers, colorful rooms, and lights for Diwali . But, there’s a lot to be done backstage to get the house look so beautiful, isn’t it? 

And not everything is a pleasant or easy job as the person ( ME ) getting your home in order will vouch for. 

 So, this post is dedicated to all the hard work that goes behind those pretty pictures , and the time and effort one puts into making her house a beautiful one !!


Every year, the Diwali cleaning  AKA Holiday  cleaning would start a month in advance in my  house. But this year is different as I met with an accident and had to rest for a good ol’ month !! ( Didn’t u guys Realize I haven’t posted for a Month?? ) Thank u to all those repeated reminders  of I haven’t been posting !!

Now , I am better and Will start today , Diwali cleaning just 10 DAYS BEFORE DIWALI !! wish me luck!

Now, having lived in the Bombay  for the better part of my life, The houses are turned upside down for Diwali or any festival for that matter – ok, maybe a bit  more for Diwali . I mean we mumbaikars  take down the  ceiling fans and cleans the blades, rummage an organized cupboard to reorganize, and a time when every bottle in the kitchen counters shine.Not to mention – most moms yelling that their kids are extremely lazy during this season ! ( not helping with chores ) … LOL!

In the South, or Bangalore – no one does that ! I was in shock the first year I saw it & asked friends why haven’t they started their cleaning yet ??? but they don’t -so who cares !


 The first year I watched with astonishment and it repeated the next year, also !  Well, for me Diwali cleaning is just a holiday cleaning or rather a small spring cleaning,  not to that extreme as cleaning is a year round thing but it has become a ritual.

 You know what, it does feel good to see a shining home with fresh curtains, new bed linen, spotless bathroom floors.

blah .de blah .de blah !!! 

The curtains, fans, floors take a shine now every month . And to be honest, it not doesn’t take a hour  to do it. since Its clean all year around , I don’t worry !

So, if you’re game for some cleaning three days before Diwali, then now’s the time to get it done and let in some fresh scents, sights & Farals !!! ( diwali dessert Platter )

Diwali or the Holidays  comes once a year, but I want to commit to having a clean house year-round. That’s right, I’m  raising the bar and proving that a clean house can be possible even with our busy, chaotic lives.

A clean  home in 3 days . 

We tend to dread  Diwali cleaning because we try to do it all at once, hey ITs the Holiday !! . Instead of tackling certain areas, we strive to make the entire place spic ‘n’ span in one long Saturday. If you’re like me , last-minute plans come up, our favorite TV show comes on or we just don’t feel like cleaning come Saturday morning, and it never gets done. 


Instead, break it up. Start tackling one chore at a time instead of all of them at once. t.

So  Today – (DAY 1 ) I am gonna start on the bedrooms and their respective Bathrooms today + The family room  …

Tomorrow-( DAY 2 )  I will tackle the down floor – the guest room , Living room & the kitchen .

(DAY 3) – I  plan to start on the holiday  decorations ! ( super happy feeling ! coz  , last year after diwali i kept all the stuff into a box and stored them in my diwali decorations box !! yay ! all i have to do is to take it out and start changing the mundane decor into a festive one !!)

 I can’t write any more coz its already 1/2 hr late into my schedule of cleaning ! and i really have to go now … will update you on the progress tomorrow !!

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